Declaration of Accessibility
The Chair of Business Administration, in particular Energy Economics, at TU Dresden endeavors to make its website apps accessible in accordance with the Saxon Inclusion Act (SächsInklusG) and the Act on the Accessibility of Websites (BfWebG) in conjunction with the Accessible Information Technology Ordinance (BITV 2.0). The BfWebG is supplemented by the Barrier-free Websites Ordinance (BfWebVO). These laws are formulated in accordance with Directive (EU) 2016/2102.
This declaration on accessibility applies to the registration platform for the scientific conference ENERDAY of the Chair of Business Administration, in particular Energy Economics, at
Accessibility Status
Accessibility is based on the internationally valid Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1) at conformity level AA and the European standard EN 301 549, version 3.2.1. For PDF documents, the international standard PDF/UA-1 is also observed.
This website is only partially accessible in accordance with the above-mentioned guidelines.
Non-accessible content
Conformity of the PDF documents provided
The PDF documents provided on the platform and generated by the Indico conference management system do not fully comply with the requirements of the PDF/UA-1 (ISO 14289-1) standard. Updates to the software to improve accessibility are conscientiously installed after provision by the developers.
Interactive form fields
Interactive form fields and buttons in the Indico conference management system forms may not be accessible by keyboard input alone. Software updates to remove such barriers and improve accessibility will be carefully installed by the developers as soon as they are available.
Preparation of the declaration
This declaration was created on 02.12.2024. The accessibility status is checked by means of a regular self-assessment of the website's compliance with the requirements of the BfWebG in conjunction with BITV 2.0, in particular in the course of installing updates to the software used.
Feedback and contact information
If you notice any accessibility issues on the website or require information about inaccessible content, please contact us:
Prof. Dr. Dominik Möst
E-mail address:
Phone: 0351 463-39767
Postal address:
Münchner Platz 3
01187 Dresden
We will endeavor to rectify the reported defects or provide you with information that is not accessible in an accessible form.
Enforcement procedure
You have made a request regarding the accessibility of our website using the contact details above. If no satisfactory solution is found within a reasonable period of time (usually four weeks), you can contact the office of the State Commissioner for the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities (Enforcement Office) in the Saxon State Chancellery, which is responsible for the enforcement procedure. The enforcement office supports the out-of-court settlement of disputes between public bodies in Saxony and users of websites or mobile applications. This arbitration procedure is free of charge. The involvement of legal counsel is not required.
Envorcement agency:
Geschäftsstelle des Landesbeauftragten für Inklusion der Menschen mit Behinderungen bei der Sächsischen Staatskanzlei
Postal address:
Archivstraße 1
01097 Dresden
Phone: 0351 564-10717
Fax: 0351 564-10999
E-mail address: